Saturday, April 28, 2007

Boys Gotta Love Em!!

Well I decided to write again, but when I write a like to listen to music so I decided to add a little bit of a jingle to my blog. Hope you all enjoy. My little guy Cade wants me to add that song by Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend, he is obsessed with that song. He is so funny he talks about having a girlfriend and that they are going to go to Sonic together and he might hold her hand. Okay people he is only 4yrs old , so should I be a little nervous about this one!! Anyway , Colton took off yesterday on a camping/boating trip with the Priests and Teachers and I was so excited for him to go and have a good time. I drove him to the church and said my goodbyes and he came up and gave me this big hug and told me that he loved me. And he didn't just do that once he did it twice , do you just know that made my day!!! I was so dang happy. With all the craziness going on in my life just to have a little bit of peace like that makes everything go away!! Well I am going to stop for now but I hope all of you have a great day!!

1 comment:

jeaniebug said...

I like that song too!!!