Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Ben--inator Strikes again

The things to deal with, when you have a teenage daughter!
The other day their was a very cute boy that came to our door and asked if Caitlin was here, well is just so happened that Ben answered the door. And the story went something like this....... he answered the door and the kid asked for Caitlin and Ben asked him for his ID. The kid got a little nervous and pulled out his wallet and gave Ben his ID, then Ben politely said thanks and shut the door on him. Then he proceeded to take the ID and go downstairs where Cailtin was and asked Caitlin if he knew who this kid was, and she said yes, Why!!! Ben told Caitlin, oh nothing, it is not important. Then Ben came back upstairs and opened up the front door again and gave the kid his ID back and said thanks and you have a great day!! That was IT!! Holy cow I was so embarrassed, I couldn't believe he did that. But it was hilarious. Caitlin said later the next day, that the kid said, Man your dad is scary , I don't know if I want to come to your house again. And the funny thing is ever since Caitlin was born, Ben would always say, he is going to have to get a shotgun for when Caitlin starts enter into the dating scene. Well look honey all you have to do is ask for their ID and you will never see them again!!! Ha-Ha!!


Jenna said...

shannon i am laughing out loud. ben in hillarious!! Caitlin is beautiful so i guess you are gonna have to have ben ask for ID! better safe than sorry right!!!

Val said...

I love it. Ben your the best!!
We already have the 5th ammendment sticker in our window next to the front door so don't know if anyone will be coming to see Sierra when she gets that age.

Cami D. said...

I might be laughing my guts out - Ben is awesome! It's true Caitlin is darling...a gun might come in handy soon! :)

Jess ♥'s Joel said...

Shannon, that is hilarious!! Ben makes me laugh so hard. No way he did that to that poor kid. Caitlin in drop dead gorgeous though and I am sure that is just what needs to be done to keep the boys away. OR-she can babysit every weekend for me and then she will be safe from the boys.

Let's start a countdown til Freakin NEWPORT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!

Cami D. said...

I just read this to my parents and they got quite a kick out of it!! My dad said, "Good for him!"