Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bad Addiction!!

Okay so this is the most exciting thing in the world!!! For Young Womens we decided to make a back to school book for our activity. Well I had to have a display for the girls to look at , so I attempted to make one. This is it the final product, Camryn was so happy that I made it for her. All I did was cover a composition notebook with scrapbook paper and added some ribbon and a jean pocket for her scissors and pencil. I think the girls had a great time doing all the crafty things that they do. I was really impressed with them and their creativeness!! I had a good time and now I am addicted, I need to make more of these.


Jess ♥'s Joel said...

Ok Shannon- Brook came home last night with Joel from when he was there "checking ears" or whatever he was doing and she was LOVING that stew you made. And she would not stop asking me to make her one of those notebooks. I said "Brook, you KNOW mom is not crafty and this is not my thing. CAn we buy it?" She was like, "Shannon makes cool things for Camryn." Poor Brook. Let me know if I can buy one from you! ;)

Val said...

These are so cute. I will have to make one for Sierra.

Cami D. said...

Jess you're killing me! I totally function like you!

Hey Shannon can I please have a "lesson"

vanessa said...

those are adorable!